Cadela dá à luz 17 filhos na Polónia
Uma cadela da raça Great Dane surpreendeu os habitantes de Varsóvia, na Polônia, após ter sua primeira ninhada.Hania, de quatro anos, deu à luz 17 filhinhos, 8 machos e 9 fêmeas. De acordo com o jornal Daily Mail, os pequenos nasceram por operação cesariana e foram fotografados com apenas 3 dias de vida.
Para amamentar os filhotes, que lutam uns com os outros para garantir o leite de cada dia, a criadora Gabriela Kubalska buscou ajuda em outra cadela, da mesma raça de Hania.
Na semana passada, um cão da raça Rhodesian Ridgeback também estampou os jornais locais ao dar à luz à mesma quantidade de filhotes na Alemanha.
Fonte: O melhor amigo do homem
ohmygoodnesses! poor miss hania...that is a ton of puppies to have! i hope she is doin' alright and that the puppies will grow healthy 'n strong and get plenty of milks!
the booker man
THAT'S a lot of puppies!! Paws crossed for the mamma and the babies :-)
ResponderEliminarWow! What a family! :)
ResponderEliminarThat has got to be ruff...hang in there Momma dog!!
ResponderEliminarWyatt and Stanzie
We read that article the last week!
ResponderEliminarShe is amazing, right?
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs
WOWZERS! Hope all goes well!
ResponderEliminarEeks! that's a passle of puppies! I hope the owners take especially good care of those mama dogs and all those puppies have forever homes planned, already. That is the responsibility of anyone breeding any animal, these days.
ResponderEliminarWow, that's a big number!!! Hope the mom and her puppies all go well!!!
ResponderEliminarWhat a lot of puppies!!! She looks like a good Mama. Hope they all find great loving homes.
Dá vontade de levar para casa!
Is there something in the water!> wink wink!
ResponderEliminarWhoa! Those are massive litters. Good thing all the Moms were ok. If a dog is having huge litters I would hope they would not be bred from again.